What is chocolate sex, vanilla sex? Let’s look at these terms from the Elele archive (2018):
Vanilla and chocolate sex, the two most contrasting concepts in the sexuality lexicon, are the common names for position preferences. That is, vanilla sex means the type of sexual intercourse that is far from fantasies and can be called ‘classic’. Chocolate sex refers to the moments when you spice up your sex life with exciting vibrations of fantasies.
Article: Simay Engur
It is worth saying that fantasies do not always provide a permanent benefit to your relationship with your partner; The fact that you always prefer an ordinary sex experience can also bring monotony. So, do you generally sweeten your sex life with chocolate or vanilla sauce? If you attribute the nights following the fantasies to the first light of the morning, you are a chocolate monster. The difference is not for me, if you say that the important thing is an orgasm peak coming from intimacy, it means that the scent of vanilla dominates your bedroom. According to experts, you should not be blindfolded to either side. Adding color to your sex life is not just about enhancing your fantasy world. If you ask why, sometimes adopting vanilla sex and sometimes chocolate sex seems healthier. Perhaps the only thing that hasn’t changed in your sex life should be the change itself. Don’t you think it sounds good to draw a love chart with ups and downs, sometimes by resorting to fantasies and sometimes by letting it flow? In short, a little vanilla, a little chocolate, that’s the whole point! To the inhabitants of the chocolate universe, vanilla; We told the others about chocolate again. The decision is yours!
taste in my palate
Those who make chocolate the sole boss of sexy pleasure spots know that it has an addictive side. However, it must be admitted that a sexual act that only turns into action can negatively affect your relationship with your partner over time. For this reason, don’t you think you should bring your fantasies out of the door and take advantage of the benefits of chocolate? If you haven’t tried different positions or sexual fantasies before, we have prepared a three-step chocolate introductory sex lesson for you.
1. If you see a trend on ‘sameness’ in your sexual life, you need to openly share this with your partner. Being honest with each other in your sex life, as in everything else, will make your relationship much stronger.
2. Try to learn about your partner’s instead of suggesting the fantasy you have in mind first. Since the offer will go away from you, you can take warm-ups together, starting with a position he might want to try. It may be helpful to take a look at the Kamasutra positions together.
3. Feel free to include third parties in your sex life. An eye patch, handcuffs or even a fragrant lubricant will make a difference on the way to orgasm.
vanilla scent
From time to time, simplifying and adopting the classic sex life can strengthen the emotional bond between you and your partner. Couples, who often make use of different fantasies, should not completely remove the vanilla sex genre from their lives. Sometimes letting it flow can add a whole different color to your sex life. It is possible to take a break from high-tempo positions and enter the calm waters of vanilla sex in three steps.
1. Feel free to let your imagination rest even if it doesn’t suit you, as the vanilla sex experience will stabilize your love chart. After the break is over, resorting to fantasies again will also help keep your fever up.
2. You can make tight times fun. Experiencing unplanned and on-the-go sex using the short time before work can give you a paradise of mediocrity. Having limited time can increase adrenaline and thus orgasm.
3. When you wake up at night, try waking your partner from their slumber for a classic-smelling experience. If you’re sure you won’t piss him off, of course!
To take a bite of the forbidden apples of chocolate sex, perhaps you need a boost of imagination! It would be useful to take a look at the 5 bedside books that can give you an idea about fantasies.
Tantra Sex Yoga
Omar Garrison
Ocean Publishing
The way to achieve spiritual freedom is through the energy in sexual power! Not us, Tantra Yoga says. Discovering the energy inherent in sexuality can open new doors in your perspective on sex life.
G point
Alice Kahn LadasBeverly Whipple
18+ Publications
In order to reach a pleasure unique to women, it is necessary to know the target point very well. How aware are you of your limits when it comes to pleasure? It is possible to get detailed information about the G spot and increase your orgasm potential.
Taoist Lovemaking for Couples Making Love
Road Publications
In this book, where you can learn how to apply Taoism, one of the oldest teachings in the world, in your sexual fantasies, you can also explore the psychological side of sex.
1001 Sexual Positions for a Healthy and Happy Life
Nur Akin, Sheikh Virtue
Green Apple Publishing
It is one of the books that you can read with your partner, with its content that aims to color the sex life of married couples and with clear sex position suggestions.
A Brief History of Sexuality
Peter N. Stearns
How have the perceptions of sexuality changed from past to present? It has a full content that can satisfy not only your bedroom, but also your general cultural repository.