Honorary President of the Turkish Andrology Association Prof. Dr. Ateş Kadıoğlu said, “One in every 5 men in Turkey has premature ejaculation problems.”
Kadıoğlu said that premature ejaculation, which has become an important problem today, causes anger, rage and disappointment in men.
Stating that the problem has reached significant levels, Kadıoğlu said, “One in every 5 men in Turkey has a premature ejaculation problem. There are different categories of this problem. There are also those who think this problem exists.”
Stating that the rate is 20 percent in Turkey, it is 24 percent in the USA, 20.3 percent in Germany and 20 percent in Italy, Kadıoğlu continued as follows:
“According to the results of the research we conducted with 2,500 couples across Turkey, this problem is 14 percent in young people and 50 percent in those over the age of 70. As the number of children increases, the rate increases. As the income level increases, the rate decreases. This rate is 21 percent in the unemployed, 34 percent in retired people, and 50 percent in employed people. 16 percent. It also varies according to the education level. Accordingly, as the education level increases, the rate decreases by region. The highest rate is in the Eastern Anatolia Region with 25 percent, the Black Sea region with 20 percent, the Southeast with 11 percent. It is followed by Central Anatolia with 18 percent, the Mediterranean region with 18 percent, and the Aegean region with 23 percent.”
Turkish Andrology Association President Prof. Dr. Selahattin Çayan also said that men who have premature ejaculation problems are stressed most of the day, and that the same psychological situation is observed in one third of the wives of these men.
Çayan stated that 1 in 10 men accept the treatment and that they established a website called “onemliolansuresi.com” regarding the problem and that the frequently asked questions are answered there.